Our Studio Classrooms
Our Studio Learning environments are creative, flexible spaces where Acton Heroes discover their personal gifts and passion for their education!
They create "communities within a community" where mixed-age scholars define many aspects of how their studio functions, which results in ownership and Love of Learning.
They practice leadership, test their ideas and work together on group projects and goal setting. Our studios are created based on the Natural Phases of Learning (and loosely by age*) as follows:

Discovery Studio: Starting in Kindergarten
*(part-time option available)
Character Focus: Develop and practice a sense of right and wrong with a foundation in learning to be a good friend.
Academic Focus: Exploration of the natural world, Strong Reading Foundation, Develop a real-world math sense through Montessori manipulatives and play.

Voyager Studio: 9-13 Years*
Character Focus: Hard work & Curiosity, Goal Setting, Community building & Conflict Management.
Academic Focus: Project based exploration in all subjects, while taking of a more structured rigor of math, reading & writing.

Inspiration X: 14-18 Years*
Character Focus: Self-Discovery & Personal Gifts, Servant Leadership, High-Level Morality, Habits of Personal Success.
Academic Focus: Critical Thinking, Conceptual Mastery of all high school core subjects, Clear written & spoken communication through practice & repetition, Real-World Apprenticeships.

Launch Pad: 16-18 Years*
This studio is designed for Heroes who have completed high-school requirements early and/or show incredible dedication to their personal Hero's Journey. They will secure & complete Apprenticeships, prepare a Professional Portfolio, and complete all other requirements necessary to for entrance into the college or career of their choice.
*Since Acton offers an individualized education to each Hero, we suggest an approximate "age range" for each studio. This, however does not mean that scholars are placed in a studio based on age alone.
Many factors are carefully considered in order to determine the correct studio placement.